Saturday, May 2, 2009

Caching, Tea, and Silly String!

So, today officially kicked off what I will call my "birthday weekend" even though it's not until Monday. I had a day packed full of fun with just my mom. This morning we headed to Citrus Heights (in the steady rain) to our first ever flash mob geocaching event. I've never seen so much silly string before! Too bad there weren't any muggles around to witness the whole thing!


It seemed to be over in a blink of an eye, but it was unforgettable! We found a couple of caches in the same park with geo-friends from Folsom and some on our own. Soon we headed back toward our house to change into our nice clothes for afternoon tea. The warm tea and yummy food was perfect for a day like today. After chit-chatting over full-bellies, we made our way back to the house again to change for more geocaching. We managed to find 3 more in the never-ending rain. It was a great time and very memorable, even if does mean I'm one year closer to 30. :o)