Sunday, February 22, 2009


she is being sooooo stubborn about it!!! She is interested in all things potty and poo-poo, but whenever Ryan or I ask her if she wants to go potty on the "big girl" toilet, she cries out a big defiant, "NO!" If she was potty trained, it would make for situations like what just happened a lot easier to deal with. I was sitting in the bathroom doing my latest cross-stitch project and supervising Kiley's bathtime antics. Next thing I know, she's saying, " Eew, gross poop! Bubbles poop!" Sure enough, Kiley had gone Number 2 in the bath. Luckily, our guest bathroom has a separate bathtub and shower! So, I throw her in the shower to get the gross water off, and drain the tub to collect her toys, which need to be sanitized now! When I'm trying to clean out the tub, all Kiley wants to do is check out the mess and cry out, "See big poop, Mommy?" Yeah, I see it all right! I just wish it were sooner instead of later!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Late V-day!

I've been kinda slacking in the blog department, huh? I guess better late than never, right? We've been busy living our lives, keeping up with our eBay store (people gotta have their geocaches and travel bugs!), etc. etc. etc. We had a nice Valentine's Day together this year. We went to a late breakfast, and ran a few errands. One of which I've been nagging Ryan to have done since our external hard drive on our computer stopped working in August! We took it into Best Buy to have them look at it. It couldn't even be detected on their computers there, like at home. The member of the "Geek Squad" that helped us said most likely it was the communication link inside the hard drive that talks to the computer that had failed. So, when we got back home Ryan took the hard drive apart, and connected it into our computer. Sure enough, there were all of our (1000+) pictures and other files. I jumped up and down and breathed a BIG sigh of relief! I would have been devastated if I had lost all those pictures! Especially the ones from Kiley's birth and our wedding! Later Ryan picked up our "gourmet" Valentine's Day dinner for two, and we watched Kiley's new movie, Madagascar 2. A nice and quiet evening at home, just like we 'em.

We hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day, and were able to spend it with those you love!