Sunday, May 17, 2009


Kiley just came up to me, gave me a hug, and said, "We're best friends, Mama." How cute is that?!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Best Mother's Day Gift Ever!!!

Sometime between 11 pm Thursday (5/7) night and 9:30 am Friday (5/8) morning, our two strictly indoor cats managed to pop one of the screens to the windows in our front office out. Ryan was the first to notice that the cats were missing, and woke me up soon after. We both ran outside to start our search. Within seconds, one of the cats, Bandit, was located in the front yard. I started up our long driveway in my robe and pajamas, frantically calling for the other cat. There is a woman who lives up the road from us that owns several cats, so that was one of the first places I checked. Unfortunately, he wasn't there. I decided to head back to the house to change because I was receiving some unusual looks from the motorists passing me on the road.

By this time, Kiley was awake, so we all head out on foot to look for our missing kitty. Still no luck! He is a very skittish cat, so I was worried he was hunkered down somewhere unfamiliar and too terrified to move. We have a fairly fast moving stream through our backyard, trains rolling by at all hours of the day, and the road our street intersects with is very busy. There are a number of places he could be injured or even killed. Ryan decided to drive the nearby streets to see if there were any black and white causalities. Fortunately, there weren't.

We continued to call for him through out the day to no avail. We placed some food out for him, but there are so many cats in the neighborhood, we'd have no idea if it was him eating it.

Saturday came and went without any sign of him. I was starting to think he was going to end up like his sister who ran away a month before we moved to Roseville. We ended up finding her again, but she was too "wild" we couldn't even get near her to catch her.

So, this morning as I was getting dressed to go out this Mother's Day, Kiley was playing on our bed and Ryan was in the front part of the house. One minute, I'm picking up one of Kiley's rubber duckies off the floor, and the next, I'm staring at Ryan holding Bailey in his arms. Apparently, Ryan thought he heard knocking at the front door, and when he went to investigate, Bailey was strolling down the steps from the lawn. We were relieved and so happy he was home safely. He had sticker burrs in his fur and a little muddy, but otherwise in good condition.

Here's a picture of Ryan and Bailey relaxing on the loveseat in the office several hours after they were reunited:

After Ryan returned from Iraq, Bailey was never the same towards him as he was before. Ryan would struggle just to get Bailey to come near him to pet him. So, when I see this picture, it makes me wonder what he went through for 2 days on his own.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Caching, Tea, and Silly String!

So, today officially kicked off what I will call my "birthday weekend" even though it's not until Monday. I had a day packed full of fun with just my mom. This morning we headed to Citrus Heights (in the steady rain) to our first ever flash mob geocaching event. I've never seen so much silly string before! Too bad there weren't any muggles around to witness the whole thing!


It seemed to be over in a blink of an eye, but it was unforgettable! We found a couple of caches in the same park with geo-friends from Folsom and some on our own. Soon we headed back toward our house to change into our nice clothes for afternoon tea. The warm tea and yummy food was perfect for a day like today. After chit-chatting over full-bellies, we made our way back to the house again to change for more geocaching. We managed to find 3 more in the never-ending rain. It was a great time and very memorable, even if does mean I'm one year closer to 30. :o)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Basket, Egg Hunt & Mr. Quail

I'm so glad that Kiley is getting to that age where she can kind of comprehend the idea of a holiday such as Easter. She was enthralled with the idea of the Easter Bunny and was excited that he was going to visit out house and Grandma's house. My mom spoils her rotten, but isn't that what Grandmas are supposed to do? She loved her Easter Baskets (yes, she got more than one!) and the egg hunt later on. Here's a few pics from earlier today:

Then, later on, I was able to snap a few shots of the male quail of a pair that lives in my parents' front yard. I had to sneak up on him, but I got a few shots before he got spooked:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter!

Here's a picture of Kiley with the Easter Bunny a couple of weeks ago when the weather was a lot nicer!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Daffodil Hill

We drove over to Daffodil Hill in Amador County this last week, and I wanted to share the pictures with everyone. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

We are officially potty training!!!

After our last post and receiving a free DVD from Huggies about potty training, we (or more like I) decided it was time to start. So, Kiley has been diaper free since the evening of Thursday, February 26th. We've had 2 successful potties and 1 successful poop in 3 days. It's taking a little bit of time for Kiley to get use to sitting on the potty chair without pants or a diaper, but she's coming along. Our little girl is growing up so fast!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


she is being sooooo stubborn about it!!! She is interested in all things potty and poo-poo, but whenever Ryan or I ask her if she wants to go potty on the "big girl" toilet, she cries out a big defiant, "NO!" If she was potty trained, it would make for situations like what just happened a lot easier to deal with. I was sitting in the bathroom doing my latest cross-stitch project and supervising Kiley's bathtime antics. Next thing I know, she's saying, " Eew, gross poop! Bubbles poop!" Sure enough, Kiley had gone Number 2 in the bath. Luckily, our guest bathroom has a separate bathtub and shower! So, I throw her in the shower to get the gross water off, and drain the tub to collect her toys, which need to be sanitized now! When I'm trying to clean out the tub, all Kiley wants to do is check out the mess and cry out, "See big poop, Mommy?" Yeah, I see it all right! I just wish it were sooner instead of later!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Late V-day!

I've been kinda slacking in the blog department, huh? I guess better late than never, right? We've been busy living our lives, keeping up with our eBay store (people gotta have their geocaches and travel bugs!), etc. etc. etc. We had a nice Valentine's Day together this year. We went to a late breakfast, and ran a few errands. One of which I've been nagging Ryan to have done since our external hard drive on our computer stopped working in August! We took it into Best Buy to have them look at it. It couldn't even be detected on their computers there, like at home. The member of the "Geek Squad" that helped us said most likely it was the communication link inside the hard drive that talks to the computer that had failed. So, when we got back home Ryan took the hard drive apart, and connected it into our computer. Sure enough, there were all of our (1000+) pictures and other files. I jumped up and down and breathed a BIG sigh of relief! I would have been devastated if I had lost all those pictures! Especially the ones from Kiley's birth and our wedding! Later Ryan picked up our "gourmet" Valentine's Day dinner for two, and we watched Kiley's new movie, Madagascar 2. A nice and quiet evening at home, just like we 'em.

We hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day, and were able to spend it with those you love!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!!!

New Year